Following months of fruitless Negotiations on a truth and the release of prisoners, concerns were raised when Qatar announced that it intended to reevaluate its role as a mediator between Israel and the Palestinian Hamas organization, which has been at war for more than six months.

However, experts see more of a protest brand than a real threat in this announcement.

From the Beginning of the Israeli-led invasion of Gaza in response to a surprise attack by the Islamist Hamas movement on October 7 against Israel, Qatar—home to Hamas leader Isma̯l Haniyeh—has been a key player in the negotiations alongside other mediators, the United States , and Egypt.

This Gulf emirate, which houses the largest American military base in the area, was able to secure a three-week period at the end of November that allowed for the release of several hundred of the approximately 250 prisoners taken during the October 7th attack in exchange for Palestinian prisoners.

However, since then, all Attempts to start a new trend have failed. The Premier Minister of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdelrahmane Al Thani, announced that he had paid “ procédait à une global revaluation de ( son) rôle” en tant que mediaur face aux critiques, notation émancipées d’Israël.

Why is the Qatar the opposite?

Several criticisms of Israel, including that of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, have been rejected by Qatar.

Mardi, on the expatriate of Qatar in Washington , has accepted the proposals of Steny Hoyer, the representative of the Democratic Republic of the Americas, who demand that the United Nations payable relations with this golf club , because none of them want to satisfy the pressure . on the Hamas to open the library of photos.

Sheikh Mohammed was accused of ” politicking articles on election campaigns ” of inciting the ” attendants ” in Qatar. It further stated that Doha would make a decision on whether or not to proceed with its inclusion in the tracts at the “ opportune time .”opportune

James Dorsey, a Researcher at the Institute du Moyen-Orient of the National University of Singapore, believes that rather than “envisaging the renoncer seriesregeneration series To my sonhis mediator ‘s roll ,” which is “one of the main pillars of the country’s soft power policy.” ,” Qatar is trying to “riposter” to player ,” which is “one of the main pillars of the country’s soft power policy,” Qatar is trying to “riposter” to criticism.

The Qatari government’s intention was to Primarily target “Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, and his partisans in the US Congress,” but it also wanted to “put pressure on the Biden administration to ensure that it defends Qatar,” the statement said.

According to Andreas Krieg, a Moyen-Orient expert at King’s College in London, Doha played a “decisive role” in setting the scene forthe end of November and is “contrarié that does not come back to all of us “all monde,the world . ” “particular Israel.”in particular Israel.

He feels that it is likely that he will “ retire from his mediation efforts ” after “monopolis of the relationship” with the Hamas.

1,170 people have died in Israel as a result of the October 7th attack, according to an AFP report based on official data. More more than 250 people have been taken into custody, and 129 are still being held in Gaza, 34 of whom have died at the hands of Israeli officials.

The Israeli Defense Forces have killed close to 34,000 people in Gaza, the Ministry of Health of the Hamas claims.

Is Qatar a necessary country?

The The main channel of communication between Hamas and Qatar has emerged, with the latter’s political office based in Doha since 2012.

Egyptians “do n’t let anything happen ” to Hamas, according to Andreas Krieg, who believes that Qataris are not “ indispensable” for the .

If ” Qatar has decided to retire from discussions , there are negative impressions to remove Hamas from his son ‘s territoire ” , points out Ms. Dorsey.

And if Hamas leaves Qatar, Algeria, Lebanon, and Iran are considered potential bases for its leadership. “Après that the Iranian affiliate is surprised, to which the Americans and the Israelis have their address to rejoin Hamas?” il dit.

According to him, Turkey, where Ismaïl Haniyeh is staying this weekend, may also have a mediating role.

Why do the negotiations stall?

Both Israel and Hamas expressed their regret at having thwarted a mediator’s proposal that called for a six-week truce and the release of prisoners in exchange for Israeli prisoners.

Israel refuses Hamas’ demands for a permanent cease-fire and the complete withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza.

accused Hamas of not wanting “a humanitarian agreement and a return of the spoils.”